잡단한것들/4차전직 (2) 썸네일형 리스트형 [jetson tx2] jetpack설치 및 기본세팅 참고자료 Jetson tx2는 가상머신 위에서 설치하면 안된다는 글 https://medium.com/@surmenok/getting-started-with-nvidia-jetson-tx2-5952a2d8d7ae Jetson tx2 설치방법을 적어놓은 글들 https://judo0179.tistory.com/19 [2020ver.] https://judo0179.tistory.com/128?category=281331 [2021ver.] https://hoony9x.com/nvidia-jetson-tx2-developer-kit-unpack-and-initial-setting/ https://github.com/developer0hye/TX2-JetPack-Installation-Guide-Kr 윈도우에서 vmw.. 딥러닝을 공부해보자 https://wikidocs.net/book/2155 위키독스 온라인 책을 제작 공유하는 플랫폼 서비스 wikidocs.net http://bigdata.dongguk.ac.kr/index.php Big data Lab. Jinseog Kim He is an associate professor in Department of Applied Statistics at Dongguk University. He received Ph.D of Statistics in 2003 in Department of Statistics at Seoul National University. His research interests are data mining related topics inclu bigdata.dongguk... 이전 1 다음