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Manually select features

  • Choose Vue Version
  • Babel : ES5 이후 버전으로 코딩하면 ES5문법으로 자동변환해 줌
  • TypeScript
  • Progressive Web App (PWA) Supports : 웹앱 개발 지원
  • Router : Vue-Router
  • Vuex : 상태관리
  • CSS Pre-processors : CSS전처리기 SASS SCSS LESS Stylus 등
  • Linter/Formatter : 자바스크립트 코딩 표준 가이드
  • Unit Testing : 단위 테스트 플러그인 Mocha 등
  • E2E Testing : End to End 테스트, 통합테스트 플러그인




Creating a Project | Vue CLI

Creating a Project vue create To create a new project, run: WARNING If you are on Windows using Git Bash with minTTY, the interactive prompts will not work. You must launch the command as winpty vue.cmd create hello-world. If you however want to still use



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[Vue.js] Life Cycle  (0) 2021.05.27
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